Monday, February 15, 2010

Starting Musing

So I thought that perhaps writing a blog might be fun, a good way to tell more people about my knitting and yarn obsessions, and cheaper than therapy. Maybe serve as a venue to show my paintings to the world as well. We'll see.

First let me tell you that I have never fancied myself as a writer. Or as I have frequently said, "Words are not my friends." I am a visual person who, while I certainly appreciate a good turn of phrase, gets really turned on by color and texture and shape. And the incredible softness of cashmere yarn, or a good merino. And socks. Yes, wool socks. Lacy wool socks.

But I digress. A couple days ago I started my next couple of knitting projects, a pair of socks of course (a new pattern, but more on that later) and a wedding shawl for my friend Amy. I have knit this pattern before, the Aeolian shawl by Elizabeth Freeman that appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Knitty. It's lovely, one of the prettiest shawls I've come across. I made it up last year in Brown Sheep Fingering in a deep rich blue. But for Amy's shawl I wanted a really special yarn, and found the perfect lace-weight cashmere on eBay (a great source for yarn, I've learned). It's whisper-light, very fine, the color of whipped cream (that's actually how it was listed), and I'm working little pearl beads into the lace pattern.

The other evening I picked up a copy of "Knitted Lace of Estonia" — a fabulous book! — and learned that the women who created these amazing pieces used straight needles hand-made of beech or lilac wood, never metal needles. As I plunged into my new shawl project, I realized why. The stitches kept sliding off my favorite Addi Turbo Lace circular. So I switched to a bamboo needle, and ta-dah! Problem solved.

I've spent this past weekend doing two of my favorite things, knitting and watching the Olympic games (go Canada!). But now it's Monday, and a new holiday for my office, and I really must go and work on the painting that's been on my easel for a few weeks now, "A Romance With Pearls". Isn't it funny how it always comes back around to pearls?


  1. Go, Rosemary!
    Welcome to the blogosphere- although I am completely ignorant of all things knitting-I'm looking forward to the colors and textures and getting educated.
    You may say words are not your friends, but they certainly seemed to be comfortable companions in your musings this morning- The shawl is beautiful and looks like an angel would be right at home wearing it-

  2. Wow, I really just want to shrink and live within that ball of watermelon colored yarn. So luscious! Can't wait to see the finished shawl.

  3. Looking forward to visiting your blog world.
